A Glimpse Into Unlawful Possession of Marijuana in New York

In New York, Unlawful Possession of Marijuana (PL 221.05) is an offense prosecuted by most district attorney’s offices. This charge can result in a jail sentence, monetary fines, community service, and other adverse consequences. More commonly referred to as UPM, this charge can also be upgraded depending on the amount of marijuana found a person to Criminal Possession of Marijuana in the 5th Degree (PL 221.10). Given the right circumstances, a marijuana charge can be upgraded an even more serious felony charge.
UPM is chargeable for any individual possessing less than 25 grams or about 7/8 of an ounce of marijuana. Meanwhile, the more serious charge of Criminal Possession of Marijuana chargeable under Penal law 221.10 is an available charge to law enforcement when an individual is found with over 25 grams of marijuana but less than 2 ounces or when the possession of burning marijuana blunt in public view.
In our experience, a large number of college students have been appeared in court on theses charges not knowing that a conviction to a marijuana charge can result in the denial of certain student loans. Federal legislation has been enacted to block a student’s eligibility for Federal aid.
20 U.S.C. Section 1091 is the controlling statute suspending a student’s eligibility for any federal grant, federal loan, or federal work study financial assistance for students convicted of any offense under State or Federal law involving the possession or the sale of a controlled substance.
About our firm: our criminal defense practice is lead by a former prosecutor who has represented thousands of individuals charged with drug offenses, assault charges, and other matters in the New York City region. We have over 30 years of legal experience and have been recognized as superb attorneys in our respective practice areas.
DWI Lawyer
DWI Refusal
Aggravated DWI Attorneys
DWI Defense
Drug Crimes
Murder, Manslaughter And Homicide
Environmental Control Board Defense
Medicaid Fraud Criminal Defense
Driving With A Suspended License in New York (VTL 511)
Misdemeanor Defense Lawyers

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