Alcohol Beverage Control Law: Selling Alcohol to Minors & Tobacco Sales

Our firm represents individuals, businesses, parents, and minors who have been charged under the New York Alcoholic Beverage Control Law.
Businesses Charged with Selling or Serving Alcohol to Underage Persons
Alcohol Beverage Control Law §65
Our firm represents individuals and businesses licensed by the New York State Liquor Authority who are charged with a crime under the Alcohol Beverage Control Law.
Our firm represents bartenders, store clerks, and business owners who are charged with selling, delivering or giving away alcohol beverages to persons under the age of 21. Additionally, we represent individuals and businesses who serve or sell alcohol to a visibly intoxicate person or known habitual drunkard.
For business owners the sentence for this crime is fines up to $5,000 or revocation of the business’s liquor license.
Bartenders and store clerks may be sentenced to up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine.
Our firm represents clients accused of violations of the Alcohol Beverage Control Law in administrative hearings before the state New York State Liquor Authority. We also represent businesses in the appeal of that hearing decision.
Businesses may also be liable if a person under the age of 21 leaves their establishment after consuming alcohol and causes property damage, personal injury or death.
If you or your business has been charged with selling alcohol to minors contact our firm as soon as possible for your consultation at 800-893-9645.