Medicaid Fraud Criminal Defense Lawyers & Medicaid Investigation Defense Lawyers of NY

I received a letter from the government stating
that they want to interview me for Medicaid fraud.
I didn’t do anything wrong . . . should I hire a lawyer?
that they want to interview me for Medicaid fraud.
I didn’t do anything wrong . . . should I hire a lawyer?
If you have received such a letter, the government is actively investigating your practice and working to build a case against you. Even if you did nothing wrong,
Why would you risk implicating yourself in a crime?
Why would you risk going to jail?
Why would you risk losing your license?
Now is the time for you to hire a law firm with the experience to help protect your rights. Call Joseph P. Villanueva, Attorneys At Law at 800-893-9645 for your confidential consultation.
You’ve worked so hard and made so many sacrifices to get where you are today. Don’t risk losing your precious things because you didn’t hire an attorney to guide you through this process and protect your rights.
The Interview
When you go to your interview, you will be confronted by a highly skilled and highly prepared investigator. The investigator has been trained and re-trained on the art of eliciting a confession. In many cases they will lured into a false sense of security with promises of leniency. Upon gaining your trust, your seemingly innocuous statements can be twisted against you in favor of the prosecution. You should hire a law firm equally trained and familiar with their tactics and can help ensure that you don’t implicate yourself. Call Joseph P. Villanueva, Attorneys At Law at 800-893-9645 and we can fight to protect your rights at every step of your case.
Our New York State criminal defense lawyers have represented many high profile cases including white collar schemes, violent robberies, and murder. If have you have been charged with running a Medicaid fraud scheme, our attorneys can help. Call Joseph P. Villanueva, Attorneys At Law, the attorneys with trial experience today, at 800-893-9645.
If you are a Medicaid provider, you can be investigated and prosecuted for:
• Over billing: e.g., taking unnecessary blood work or x-rays
• Requiring patients to attend more visits than reasonably necessary
• Filing claims services that were not administered
• Participating in fake and staged car accidents
• Billing Medicaid for non-existent ailments
• Participating in kickback schemes
• Substituting name brand drugs for generic drugs
• Loaning Medicaid to another person
• Altering prescriptions
• Using multiple Medicaid cards
• Re-selling items provided by the Medicaid program
Our Medicaid Insurance Fraud Defense Team
Joseph P. Villanueva, Attorneys At Law have a team of lawyers that will fight for you. Our primary goal is to have your investigation stopped even before charges are filed. If the government has already filed charges against you, we will work tirelessly to win your case at trial.
Mr. Villanueva is a former prosecutor and comes from a family of physicians. He understands the sacrifices you have made to be where you are today. His lawyers will fight to prove your innocence, prepare you for trial, and out work the opposition to ensure you are give the finest legal defense. Call us now at 800-893-9645.