Tips on Avoiding a Speeding Ticket in NY

If you are given a traffic ticket or speeding ticket, call our firm immediately for a free consultation. 800-893-9645
Here are some tips/suggestions that may help you during traffic stop.
1. You should remember that being pulled over can be a stressful situation for you as well as the police officer. As such, you should refrain from adding more stress to the situation and be as courteous as possible.
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2. Upon seeing the flashing lights, you should decrease speed slowly, find a safe place to pull over, turn on your hazard lights, and pull over. The worst thing you can do is attempt to flee the police.
3. Upon being pulled over, you should roll down your window and turn on your dome light so the officer can better see you inside your car.
4. Do not make any sudden movements. Keep your hands on the steering wheel in clear view of the officer. This may put the officer at ease and assist in the process.
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5. If you suspect that you are going to be placed under arrest for a crime, you should invoke your right to remain silent and call this firm immediately at 800-893-9645..
If you are given a traffic ticket or speeding ticket, call our firm immediately for a free consultation. We have more than 20 years of legal experience and have gained a reputation of providing excellent legal representation.
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What are some steps I can follow to avoid getting a speeding ticket?
Here are some suggestions:
1. You should always follow the rules of the road. Obeying the speed limit and other traffic rules is the most simplest way to avoid being pulled over by an officer and given a summons. This simple step can save you thousands in fines, insurance costs, and time fighting your ticket.
2. You should be vigilant and look out for speed traps. Traditionally, in the summertime, many speed traps are conducted where speed limits suddenly change and along hidden corridors where drivers cannot easily see an officer's police car.
3. Even if you believe you are following the speed limit, you should not pass police car on the road. Regardless of your speed, this may give an officer the impression that you are speeding.
4. You should always be courteous to the officer and never admit any wrong doing. No good has ever come from disrespecting an officer. Also, no good has ever come from making an admission against your interest.
If you are given a traffic ticket or speeding ticket, call our firm immediately for a free consultation. 800-893-9645
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What can your firm do for me?
Hire our team of lawyers to fight your speeding ticket or traffic matter and you will have the benefit of having a former prosecutor on your side. We have represented hundreds of clients and have saved them time and money.
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Save time . . . in most cases, you won't have to come to court.
Save money . . . in most cases, we can reduce your points and save you on insurance increases.
If you are given a traffic ticket or speeding ticket, call our firm immediately for a free consultation. 800-893-9645
Our attorneys can often be found fighting ticket matters in Westchester County, Rockland County, and Orange County. Some of our regular courts of appearance are Harrison Justice Court, Yonkers City Court, Greenburgh Town Court, Harrison Town Court, Rye City Court, and Bedford Town Court