Length of Time a License is Suspended due to Drugs or Alcohol

How Long Will my License be Suspended or Revoked for a Conviction to a Drug or Alcohol Offense?
Aggravated Driving While Intoxicated (AGG-DWI) / Blood Alcohol Concentration (.18 BAC) or higher; (AGG DWICIV) DWI with a child 15 years old or younger in vehicle.
Driving While Intoxicated (DWI), or with .08 % Blood Alcohol Concentration (.08 BAC):
REVOCATION: 6-months
Driving While Ability Impaired by a Drug (DWAI-Drug):
SUSPENSION: 6-months
DWI, .08 BAC or DWAI- Drug committed within 10 years of any previous violation:
Driving While Ability Impaired by Alcohol (DWAI):
DWAI committed within 5 years of any previous alcohol or drug-related violation:
REVOCATION: 6-months
First alcohol or drug-related violation by a driver, except Zero Tolerance, under age 21:
Second alcohol or drug-related violation by a driver, except Zero Tolerance, under age 21:
REVOCATION until age 21 or 1-year, whichever is longer*
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) outside New York State:
REVOCATION: Alcohol 90-day
SUSPENSION: Drug 6-months
* These penalties apply even if the driver is adjudicated as a youthful offender.