Pound Ridge AUO Suspended License Lawyers

I have been charged with both a DWI and driving with a suspended license in Pound Ridge. Can you help?
Yes, we can help. We have more than 20 years of legal experience. Also, once you retain this firm, you will have a former New York City prosecutor fighting for you. Call us at 914-914-723-7900.
Court Description: The Pound Ridge Town Court is located in municipal building. It has jurisdiction over misdemeanor matters such as stalking in the fourth degree under PL 120.45, tampering with a juror in the second degree under PL 215.23, tampering with private communications under PL 250.25, and unlawful assembly under PL 240.10.
About Our Firm: Joseph P. Villanueva, Attorneys At Law has represented hundreds of criminal defendants and ticket matters in Pound Ridge and the surrounding courts. The firm has a successful trial record. If you are charged with a DWI, you can be facing either criminal or felony charges. If you are convicted, you can be sentenced to a length jail term, probation, and pay significant fines. An adult conviction will result in a permanent criminal record which cannot be sealed.
Question and AnswersQ. What is Leandra’s Law?
A. In brief, Leandra's Law mandates that Courts must order all drivers convicted of misdemeanor and felony drunk driving charges to install and maintain ignition interlock devices on any vehicles they own or operate for at least six months at their own expense, in addition to any other terms of sentence.
Q. What is a conviction to VTL 1110A?
A. For your convenience, we are giving you a copy of the statute. Please take notice that we will not update this question should statute be modified:
S 1110. Obedience to and required traffic-control devices. (a) Every
person shall obey the instructions of any official traffic-control
device applicable to him placed in accordance with the provisions of
this chapter, unless otherwise directed by a traffic or police officer,
subject to the exceptions granted the driver of an authorized emergency
vehicle in this title.
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