Judicial Ticket Turmoil Investigated by Panel

It has been a long standing practice that New York judges have the option of obtaining judicial license plates for their motor vehicles. Recently a ten member panel consisting of four judge took a closer look at whether or not this practice an abuse of their position.
Although there was criticism over the use of judicial plates, the commission ultimately ruled that judicial license plates were not being abused.
In particular, a large focus of the panel explored whether the use of judicial plates helped judges avoid traffic tickets such as speeding tickets or parking tickets.
One example scrutinized by the panel involved an upstate judge who helped fix a ticket for herself and the spouse of a colleague.
Through it all the commission declared that the specialty plates "do not create an appearance of impropriety."
About Our Firm: At Joseph P. Villanueva, Attorneys At Law we excel at getting tickets dismissed or reduced. We have more than 20 years of legal experience and have gained a reputation among our peers as being superb lawyers. Our team of traffic and criminal defense lawyers is lead by Joseph P. Villanueva. He is a former prosecutor. Having a former prosecutor on your side can help in analyzing critical issues in your case. This can make the difference in you keep your license or having your license suspended or revoked. Call us now 914-723-7900