Scio Town Court (Traffic Court)

Q. Where is the Scio Town Court located?
A. 4355 Vandermark Road
PO Box 105
Scio, NY 14880-0105
Analysis and Commentary: The Town of Scio has a population of 1,833, according to the U.S. Census (2010), and covers 35.3 square miles. The town was named Joseph Knight, a minuteman in the American Revolution. Knight’s Creek, which flows into the Genesee River, near Scio, is named for him. New York State Route 19 is a major highway through town, which is on the main line of the Western New York & Pennsylvania Railroad.
The most notable resident of Scio to date was Jason Lee Dunham (1981-2004), who was awarded the Medal of Honor for heroic actions during the Iraq War. A member of the 3rd Battalion 7th Marines, Dunham deliberately covered an enemy grenade to protect nearby Marines, when they fell under attack at Husaybah. He was the first Marine to receive the Medal of Honor for his actions in the War on Terror, and the first Marine to receive the Medal of Honor since the Vietnam War.
The Town Court tries cases pertaining to vehicle matters, traffic violations and misdemeanors.
The Scio Town Court (or Justice Court) meets every Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. (except holidays). Justice Court is located at the end of Route 19 on County Road 10 in Scio. The District Attorney night is scheduled for every 4th Tuesday of each month at 5 p.m.
Q. I recently got a speeding ticket in the Town of Scio in Allegany County, New York. I need a Scio speeding ticket defense lawyer. Can you help?
A. Yes we can help. Our lawyers have represented many motorists in Allegany County and has helped eliminate or reduce their points. You could call us at (800) 893-9645 or send us an email by clicking here.
About Our Firm: Joseph P. Villanueva, Attorneys At Law has represented hundreds of motorists in New York State. We excel at getting tickets dismissed or reduced. We have more than 20 years of legal experience and have gained a reputation among our peers as being superb lawyers.
Our team of traffic and criminal defense lawyers is lead by Joseph P. Villanueva. He is a former prosecutor with experience analyzing critical issues on ticket matters. This can make the difference in you keep your license or having your license suspended or revoked. Call us now at 800-893-9645.
Q. Aren't all lawyers the same. Why should I hire your firm?
A. Not all law firms are the same. We take great pride in delivering the best result possible for our clients. We can help save you points on your license; we can help you reduce your exposure to an insurance increase; in most circumstances you will never have to come to court.
Q. Can you refer me to a prior satisfied client?
A. Click here to see our testimonials.
Q. What’s the point system NY?
A. There are too many possible violations to list in this answer, but for your convenience, here is a list of some common point violations.
Speeding | Points |
01 to 10 mph over the limit | 3 |
11 to 20 | 4 |
21 to 30 | 6 |
31 to 40 | 8 |
More than 40 | 11 |
Call our lawyers now at 800-893-9645 for a consultation.
Points | |
Reckless Driving (misdemeanor, 6 month suspension) | 5 |
Leaving the scene of an accident (personal injury, misdemeanor, 6 months in jail, revocation of license, $600.00 fine) | 5 |
Passing a school bus | 5 |
Following too closely (tailgating) | 4 |
Inadequate breaks | 4 |
Improper passing (unsafe lane change, left of center or wrong direction) | 3 |
Disobeying a Traffic Signal (red light, stop sign, yield sign) | 3 |
Right of way, failure to yield | 3 |
Railroad crossing violation | 3 |
Leaving the scene of an accident (property damage/domestic animal) | 3 |
Child Safety Restraint (under 16 years old in front seat, under 10 years old in rear seats, under 4 years old in child seat) | 3 |
Inadequate breaks (employers' commercial vehicle) | 2 |
All other moving violations | 2 |
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Our firm can be frequently found representing clients throughout Allegany County including but not limited to Andes Traffic Court, Colchester Traffic Court, Davenport Traffic Court, Delhi Traffic Court, Deposit Traffic Court, Franklin Traffic Court, Hamden Traffic Court, Harpersfield Traffic Court, and Kortright Traffic Court.
If you have a ticket in Allegany County, call our lawyers today at (800) 893-9645.